"Impacts of ESG on Business" and "Consumer Behavior Outlook"
April 28, 2021 at 7PM - Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87329967738
Youth Empowerment Session #9, Rotary Club of New York
Impacts of ESG on Business
Speaker: Chris Deri
Chris has advised corporate, NGO and government clients headquartered in dozens of markets across Europe, the Americas, Asia and the Middle East. His areas of strategic counseling include: reputation management, public affairs, crisis & issues management, location branding, corporate responsibility & sustainability.
Prior to joining Teneo, Chris was the President of WCG, a full-service communications, marketing, digital and analytics firm with 180 employees in seven U.S. and European offices. At WCG, he advised clients based on insights from proprietary analytics.
Previously, Chris served as Burson-Marsteller’s Market Leader in China, overseeing the agency’s operations across its five offices in Mainland China. At Burson, he conceived and launched the Burson-Marsteller Leadership Institute, a first-of-its-kind leadership training offering in China. Before that, Chris spent a decade at Edelman, where he co-incubated, led and grew the global Corporate Responsibility & Sustainability practice to 110 practitioners in 15 offices around the world.
Earlier in his career, Chris served as Regional Director of Business Outreach and Finance for Al Gore’s 2000 Presidential campaign. Before that, he was the Director of Institutional Affairs at the National Minority AIDS Council, a national training and lobbying organization.
Moderator: Maggie Kervick
Maggie Kervick works as a management consultant at Accenture, helping to build the newly established Responsible Retail practice. Her role at Accenture is part of a larger ecosystem that includes work with the Responsible Business Coalition at Fordham University, home to the fashion industry's only CEO working group and Fashion Makes Change, sponsored project of Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors that supports consumer engagement, women's education and clean energy transitions. Maggie works to strategically embed Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) factors across business functions to manage risk, process efficiency, revenue growth, and resiliency planning.
Consumer Behavior Outlook
Speaker: Jonathan Levav
Jonathan Levav is a professor of marketing at Stanford Graduate School of Business. Faculty Director, Stanford Behavioral Lab; Co-Director, Innovative Product Leadership: The Emerging Chief Product Officer; Co-Director, The Brains and Guts of Decision Making; Co-Director, The Emerging CMO: Strategic Marketing Leadership.
His research is aimed at understanding consumer’s judgments and choices by using tools from experimental psychology and behavioral economics. In particular, he studies the contextual factors that influence people’s choices and judgments. His research is both basic and applied — from probability judgment to product customization decisions.
Jonathan received his PhD in marketing from the Fuqua School of Business, Duke University, and his AB in public and international affairs from Princeton University. He is the winner of the Hillel Einhorn Young Investigator Award, awarded biennially by the Society for Judgment and Decision-Making. Prior to joining Stanford he was a member of the faculty at the Columbia Business School.
Moderator: Isabel Sheinman
Isabel Sheinman is a second year MBA candidate at NYU Stern specializing in Social Impact and Sustainability and Entrepreneurship. Prior to her MBA, Isabel Co-Created NABU, a non-profit on a mission to eradicate global illiteracy through a tech-enabled children’s book publishing, distribution and reading ecosystem. In addition to her role as Co-President of ESA, Isabel sits on the Board of Stern's Social Impact and Sustainability club as well as the Entertainment, Media and Sports club. She is a Managing Partner at Dorm Room Fund, where she invests in student-run startups globally and is a member of the World Economic Forum's Global Shaper Community. Prior to her MBA, Isabel co-created NABU, a nonprofit built to solve the imbalance in children’s book creation and distribution globally. Her role was multi-faceted, but centered around resourcing the organization with funds, partners and community. While based in NYC, Isabel spent months at a time in Rwanda and Haiti as the organization built its regional offices. Isabel continues to serve on the Board of NABU as a strategic advisor.