Thanks to all who participated in the April 9th Zoom meeting - our 4th. It was a great energy in our virtual room. Many thanks to Dr. Ruanne Barnabas and to Dr. Joseph Masci .
        more info & links inside.

About the Meeting
Thanks to all who participated in the April 9th Zoom meeting - our 4th. It was a great energy in our virtual room I am, as a follow up, sending you both the PowerPoint slides from Dr. Joseph Masci (see below) and the website referred to by Dr. Ruanne Barnabas. .It contains all the information she referred to in her presentation

Furthermore it was most interesting to learn that there is no international platform available (or at least it was not to Dr. Masci) making research and treatment successes or failures known from cities like Bergamo. Thus I have connected both Dr. Joseph Masci and Dr. Ruanne Barnabas with Dr. Stefano Fagiouli (Bergamo) and Dr. Sergio Bernardini (Rome) and offered my help in translating if need be, etc. We can truly create a meaningful connection with Rotary here.

Also most helpful were short presentations and questions regarding the mental health aspects by both our members Dr. Fredlee Kaplan and Dr. Marcela Bonafina and the expertise offered on that level. We will circle back to these impacts in the near future and possibly have an allocated meeting to just that aspect.

Please look out for next week's Zoom meeting announcement. One of the speakers will be Alexis Madrigal.

Alexis Madrigal is a journalist in Oakland, California. He's a staff writer at The Atlantic. Previously, he was the editor-in-chief of Fusion and and a staff writer at Wired. He's a visiting scholar at the Information School at UC Berkeley. He's working on a book about Oakland and racial capitalism in urban America. He has appeared frequently on TV lately and offered his insight on tracking Covid-19.

Thank you all so much again and stay healthy and safe!


View the PowerPoint presentation from the meeting:

Please note that you must have PowerPoint installed to view it.