Jacob Ong- President Rotary Club of Cebu, Philippines to update us on the most recent Typhoon that devastated his city and how Rotary Clubs from around the world helped his club.  The Rotary Club of New York knows first-hand how quick and cost-effective "Direct Emergency Ad Hoc Club to Club Financial Donations" are.  When New York City was devastated by the 9/11 Terrorist Attack twenty years ago, dozens and dozens of Rotary Clubs from around the world sent our Club donations, both large and small. Thanks to those donations, our club was able to provide vital assistance to hundreds of 9/11 victims, especially those that fell thru the cracks of our beloved city's safety net,  because of the generous Rotarians around the world.

Jacob was inducted into the Rotary Club of Cebu in August of 2015. He has served on the Board of Directors since RY 2016-2017 and chaired Rotary Foundation Grant Projects for Technical Vocational Education and WASH as well as being a member of the working committees for fundraising events for Gift of Life and End Polio Now Campaigns prior to his presidency. Currently a Paul Harris Society Member and a Benefactor of The Rotary Foundation, he believes in the Global Grant System of the Rotary Foundation to provide impactful projects to the community.

He has a bachelor's degree in Computer Engineering from the University of San Carlos and currently owns and operates a Noodle Manufacturing Company and Digital Printing Shop in Mandaue City, Province of Cebu.

Jacob is married to spouse Arlene for 21 years with 2 children, Matthew and Kai. His personal interests include running ultramarathons and cycling.

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