Alyna Smith - October 14, 2021 at 12 noon via Zoom

Alyna Smith is Advocacy Officer at PICUM, where she leads their work on access to justice, access to health and legal strategies. She is a licensed lawyer and has an academic background in criminal law, human rights law, bioethics, and the life sciences.

Mistrust, access issues keep Europe’s asylum seekers, undocumented migrants unvaccinated
We will discuss this matter and other concerns pertaining to the migrants and health matters.
About PICUM:

PICUM, the Platform for International Cooperation on Undocumented Migrants, is a network of organisations working to ensure social justice and human rights for undocumented migrants.


PICUM seeks a world where human mobility is recognised as a normal reality, and where all people are guaranteed their human rights regardless of migration or residence status.


Grounded in principles and values of social justice, anti-racism and equality, PICUM is committed to ensuring that undocumented migrants have a dignified standard of living and rights.

Working principles

Bringing together a broad range of experience and expertise, PICUM generates and coordinates a humane and informed response to undocumented migrants’ realities and provides a platform to engage policy makers and the general public in the full realisation of their rights.