RCNY Luncheon, April 18, 2024
Union League Club of NYC
On April 18, 2024 the Rotary Club of New York met for its luncheon meeting at the Union League Club of NYC.
We were honored by the presence of His Excellency Ambassador of Argentina to the UN Mr. Ricardo Ernesto Logoria and his wife Alejandra Rodriguez.
Rather than speaking of the state of his country the Ambassador gave a heartfelt view of the world, the similarities of the ideologies of diplomacy and Rotary and how it is important to keep values of friendship and kindness at the forefront of humanity. He stated that the world is in difficult times with over 170 areas of conflicts but that we as Rotarians can make a difference.
President Elect Shawn Jacobaccio presented the Ambassador with Honorary membership in the Rotary Club of New York and the Ambassador offered to attend many future events and also suggested collaboration with his home club in Buenos Aires.